Travel Tips

Transport Kamal in West Madura is linked by ferries to Surabaya, running continuously day and night and taking only twenty minutes to cross the Straight.

Ferries also make the longer journey from Kalianget near Sumenep to Jangkar in East Java.

Express buses run directly to and from towns in Madura to destinations in East Java, and even to Jakarta.

Madura has an extensive network of bemo (minibus) routes, but few scheduled buses.

The most enjoyable way to explore is under you own steam by car or motorbike, allowing unscheduled stops and detours. Car and motorbike hire is available in Surabaya.

There are no rental agencies in Madura, but it is possible to charter a car or bemo with a driver, and it may be possible to arrange a motorbike.


There is a reasonable selection of hotels in the towns of Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan and Sumenep. In Sumenep Hotel Utami Sumekar has the best rooms; nearby Hotel Wijaya I has a wide selection.

If Madura received the numbers of tourists it deserves the island would be scattered with luxury resorts and inexpensive homestays.

But as things are, there is only one simple, low-key resort at Camplong Beach on the south coast. Pondok Wisata Camplong has decent rooms and a pool.

There is a simple homestay close to Lombang beach. Elsewhere it is sometimes possible to stay in family homes in the villages.

When to go

Madura is beautiful at any time of the year, but the famous bull races and other local festivals take place from July to September.

Guides In Sumenep, Adi Wijaya is a mine of information, and an enthusiast about his island's culture. Even if you don't use his services he will be delighted to chat and suggest places to visit.

He can be contacted on 0817 9330648 or via e-mail at (Tim Hannigan)

Sumber: The Jakarta Post, Sun, 04/08/2007

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